Sep 25, 2009
Global OSUG Leaders Conference Call
AKA here comes the Sun
had a great conference call early this morning. For the OSUG leaders
unaware of these calls, here's how it works: We set a date and have 2
calls at different times. We've been rotating these through various
times of the day to give leaders
in different timezones a chance to chime in. For example, we had today
@ at 12am Friday, 2009-09-25 UTC and another at 7am UTC. The call-in
numbers (toll-free) are provided by Sun via Teresa Giacomini. We had
leaders from Australia, Japan, US, Germany and Canada present. We hold
the calls simultaneously with our IRC channel
irc://irc.freenode.net/#opensolaris-ugs (which translates to:
#opensolaris-ugs on irc.freenode.net).
Discussions have included:
topics for group meetings, live video linking between Adelaide and
Japan group meetings, ways to promote & build groups, special
events and more. Contact me for more info: Steven Acres,
[email protected]. Join in!
Sep 24, 2009
OpenSolaris Virtualbox Guest and NFS
Quick notes regarding nfs mounting from an OpenSolaris VBox guest.
I came up against an issue mounting via nfs from a Linux host to an OpenSolaris virtualbox guest (see this post for automounting nfs on OpenSolaris). Checking the host's logs revealed the issue: mountd: [...] refused mount request [..] illegal port.
This is seemingly caused due to the natted connection between guest and host. Adding (insecure) in the host's /etc/exports line for this export enabled the guest to successfully mount the nfs share.
Sep 23, 2009
Torosug and Swag .. more
A few weeks ago we received some swag for our group from Sun
More pics to come soon.
The 'Bible' that came with the shipment: