Apr 15, 2009
Installing OpenSolaris ..
I recently installed OpenSolaris (the first attempts were using the current release, which was quite buggy, I managed with OpenSolaris 2009.06 snv_111 X86) on my HP dv 7-1245ca.
A few notes are:
- the livecd as well as the hard drive install booted with a squelching white noise, I appended "-B disable-audiohd=true" to the grub boot line.
- This laptop has an ATI 3200 HD video card, which works with the radeonhd driver 1.2.4. To enable I shutdown GDM and ran Xorg -configure then restarted X/GDM.
Both the wired and wifi network interfaces work well.
Toronto OpenSolaris User Group
Myself and Peter Wu recently partnered to form the Toronto OpenSolaris user group
Finally the Toronto OpenSolaris User Group is now a reality!
Myself and Peter Wu partnered and we hope all in the Toronto/.GTA region will take part. Here's the link:
Apr 08, 2009
New Laptop
I recently bought an HP dv 7-1245ca laptop..
The specs are here for this machine. I am currently running Ubuntu 9.04, the development version of Ubuntu. I also run virtualbox on it with Opensolaris 2008.06 as the guest O/S ... I haven't had a chance to work out some issues precluding installation of OSOL as a dual-boot option.