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Dec 12, 2008

Making a Tab a direct link in Plone 3

Want to link a tab to an url so it opens directly in Plone 3? Here's how!

Creating a tab to link to an external url is quite straightforward. 
Open site setup > zmi > portal_actions > portal_tabs and go to the right hand drop-down, 
leave at CMF Action and hit Add. Add the id (i.e. Blog). Now open the newly created 'Blog'  
and edit it with your info to look like this image


So now that you have entered Title  Blog, Url string: and selected View under Permissions as well as ticked Visible and saved, you should have a tab which will redirect to an external url!

Dec 08, 2008

Quills Weblog Admin

Quills weblog admin portlet shouldn't display to non-privileged users.

A bug I encountered with Quills weblog product is the weblog admin portlet being viewable to non-privileged users. This was not a desired result, so off to google I went.
Luckily there was already a diff I could use to patch the offending code in parts/instance/lib/python/quills/app/portlets/

Here is the link to the diff: . Patch the file and the portlet is no longer viewable to non-privileged users.

Dec 03, 2008

What You Don't Know

Earlier today while logged into irc, someone asked what the repercussions of chmod 644 /var/log/messages would be. Wanting to save someone from themselves (as well as work on my people skills), I replied.


Logs are mostly a security tool and the default permissions are in place as part of the security. I would recommend a tool such as logcheck, which is fairly easy to configure out of the box. It will also mail reports to the user of your choice.


I must be getting into the holiday spirit.



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